- Promet Traffic & Transportation
- Ingeniería de Transporte (Revista Latinoamericana editada en Chile)
- Transportation Research part A
- Ingeniería y Desarrollo (Revista de la Universidad del Norte)
* Final publication in journals will depend on each journal and cannot be estimated at this time.
Approved full-length articles must comply with the following structure:
- Title (Spanish and English)
- Author or authors with institution affiliation and email address
- Abstract (In case of written in Spanish the abstract must be also in English). The abstract must be analytical and include the main objectives of the research, scope, methodology used, and main results and conclusions. It must be clear and coherent. Data, syntax and spelling must be checked, and it should not include bibliographic references.
- Introduction
- Literature Review or State of the art
- Methodology
- Results and discussions
- Conclusions
- References
- Acknowledgments (optional)
Authors should consider the following recommendations:
- As much as possible, do not exceed 150 words in a single paragraph.
- The article must not exceed 9 pages written with simple line spacing, letter size.
- Present their articles preferably in English, given that publications in English are more likely to increase visibility and international citation, both for authors and for the journal. However, Spanish and Portuguese are still official languages.